
It's been 742 days since my last blog post.
27th May 2021 was the last time I inputted into this (this very poorly designed) blog. On the 28th May 2021 my grandad past away, along with my mojo to write.
Since then a lot has changed...and a lot is very much the same
Competition organisers are still posting the schedules 24 hours before the start of the comp, costs of products and venues are still increasing, gel waves are still in and the hustle and bustle of the dance world continues to thrive
Many things have changed for me. Another failed relationship, another failed partnership (news flash I'm 165cm and have been for over a decade...) I left my teaching job and home in Reading and have moved back to Bournemouth, and I've gained nearly 15,000 new followers...
For all those who are new, my name is Steph Noon. I started dancing when i was 4 years old, 23 year later I've done things some dancers only dream of. (If you really care, you can find me on Youtube). From Blackpool finals to being paid to travel the world, I can safely say, I have truly been lucky. I have been doing hair (and makeup....but you have to ask really nicely!) for over 8 years now.
In 2021 I decided that I would start posting a blog every single day. It lasted 105 days. Sharing with you everything; from what hairstyle you should pick, what you should pack in your dance bag to the funny and bizarre experiences I have had in this crazy dancing industry.
I'm not promising to post every day again, but I hope to entertain you every once and a while (most likely to just my mum who reads these)
It's nice to be back